From the blog

The views expressed here are my own

Cross Bar and Clos Network

This blog post explores the structure of the Internet and how it is connected through switches. We introduce the concept of cross bar networks, which are a basic way to connect two arrays of devices to each other. However, building such a network can be expensive when the number of inputs and outputs gets too big. We discuss Clos networks, which are based on cross bar networks but can handle a larger number of inputs and outputs.

Distributed Matrix product

This blog post explains matrix multiplication and dot products of matrices. It then discusses how to perform distributed matrix multiplication, which is useful in machine learning applications where large matrices may not fit into memory. The post explains how to segment the data into slices or submatrices, which can be assigned to different processors. The processors compute the dot product for each submatrix, and the results are then combined to produce the final output. The post provides detailed explanations and illustrations for each step of the process.

Parallel Prefix explained with pizzas

Introduces the concept of "parallel prefix" computing using an illustrated story of an Italian chef participating in a pizza competition. In this competition, the chef has to make pizzas that represent all the steps of the cooking process, and he realizes he can get other cooks to make the pizzas in parallel. However, the cooks have to communicate and cooperate to overcome the constraint of having only one ingredient on their table at a time. This story is used to explain the concept of parallel prefix, where each cook is a processing unit, and the limit in the ingredient space is the memory limit on each processing unit.

How to use GitRank

GitRank is a newly launched platform that aims to assist developers in selecting and discovering open-source projects. It provides a standardized way for users to give feedback on projects, enabling easy comparison between different projects.

Scala School september 2015 Meetups

The blog post describes my experience at the New York scala school, where I learned about linked list methods and some scala concepts. I highlight the use of sealed traits, which restricts the traits to be extended only within the same file, and provides benefits such as allowing the compiler to check for exhaustive pattern matches. The blog post provides an example implementation of sealed traits and showcases the benefits of using them. The post also provides a skeleton implementation of linked list methods, including length, sum, map, filter, append, and reverse, and asks readers to implement these methods.

Angular performance extension development guide

This blog post discusses the folder structure, build process, and extension architecture of a Chrome extension for monitoring AngularJS performance. The blog post also explains the extension's architecture and the role of the devtools page, content-script, and background page. The blog post provides resources for further reading on Chrome extension development.

Owasp France September 2014 meeting

The article describes the first OWASP France meeting of 2014, where two topics were discussed. The first talk was about SonarQube, a code quality analysis tool that checks compliance to sets of rules defined in profiles, which can be used to enforce security in projects from the ground up. The second talk was about four XSS exploits using HTML5 and how cross-site scripting has become powerful.

How to use Jetpack modules in a Firefox bootstraped extension

The article discusses how to use jetpack SDK modules in a Firefox bootstrap extension. It explains how to get the CommonJs jetpack loader, configure it to load jetpack modules, and use it. The article also mentions some considerations when using jetpack modules in a Firefox bootstrap extension, including timing and initialization issues.

Reverie 5

The article is a brief review of the Reverie 5 framework, which is a responsive WordPress theme made with Foundation 5. We explain the installation process, the customization of PHP templates, SCSS, and JavaScript, and provides some tips for upgrading from Reverie 4 to 5.

Beyond the clouds, What’s next ?

The "Beyond the Cloud" initiative aims to decentralize the cloud by localizing servers on backbone junction points to create a dynamically localized, decentralized cloud that makes use of existing infrastructure. The initiative seeks to address problems associated with centralized cloud areas and improve energy efficiency and performance. The long-term goal is to further decentralize data centers and processing units and put them in homes, generating heat and linked dynamically to the decentralized cloud.

OWASP Top Ten 2013 – PolyHack Montreal

The article discusses the OWASP Top Ten 2013, a guide to the top 10 vulnerabilities in web applications that are spotted by security professionals. The article highlights that the top threat is injection and discusses how injections can be related to other vulnerabilities such as XSS attacks and session hijacking.

OWASP Paris meeting – Firefox OS

The article describes an OWASP meeting hosted by Mozilla in Paris, where the main topic of discussion was Firefox OS. The OS is entirely based on web technologies like Javascript, HTML, and CSS, which raises several security concerns. The article explains the three-layered permission system of the OS, with apps only given access to necessary APIs, and a root level with system applications that cannot be accessed by developers. Mozilla also developed an activity system to access services like SMS or call without compromising security. The article highlights the two types of app packaging in Firefox OS, full packaged apps and hosted apps, and concludes by inviting contributors to test, review, or contribute to the project, which is entirely open-source.